Hinduism as Science

Came across this random youtube comment that I found interesting… Hinduism is Science and a theism at the same time How? The Universe (Brahmand) consists of 4 things Param atma (Energy) Param tatva (Matter) Maha kal (Time ) Kal (Black space) (Today Science says Space and Time are not different they are different attributes of 1 thing and Hindus use 1 word “Kal”) Param Atma Param tatva Both are Param (Supreme) Hence equal Atma = Tatva Energy = Matter E = M E = MC^2 (After Solar formation) Both are Immortal Both can not be created nor destroyed only translated ( or incarnated) into another form (or body )
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Chippi the lizard: A tale of human compassion

Disclaimer: This is an ’excerpt’ from an article that I found on web. And I don’t own any of it’s content. To talk of love in these times of inestimable despair sounds cruel. But the current pandemic has also revealed to us the enduring, loving nature of humans. When the regime, the system and those responsible for our well-being failed, love, compassion and human understanding took over. It is thus not inappropriate to speak of love in these tough times.
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